字典翻译 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 大火灾(A big fire)

大火灾(A big fire)

小学生作文   2025-03-13

大火灾(A big fir)on night wu gang was lying in bd. thn suddnly a loud cry for hlp wok him up. h lookd out of th window and found his nighbour's hous was on fir.wu gang hurrid to tlphon 119 for hlp. thn h ran out at onc. h saw many popl trying to put out th fir with watr, and h quickly joind in. aftr som tim, th firfightrs arrivd, th big fir was out at last. luckily, no hous was dstroyd by th fir and all th popl wr saf.

标签: 冬雪
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