字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Glorious teacher,Glorious teacher范文

Glorious teacher,Glorious teacher范文

初中生作文   2025-02-10

Glorious tachr,Glorious tachr范文Glorious tachr Sptmbr 10th 2002 Tusday fin.Today is Sptmbr 10th. Tachrs’ Day. A tachr was invitd to our school to giv us a talk. H had taught for fifty yars, and had won th gold mdals by th Dpartmnt of ducation. H workd hard all his lif, and gav all his lov to th studnts. W wr dply movd by his talk. Today many studnts h had taught bfor com back to him, and som othrs from all ovr th country visit wrot him lttrs to xprss thir lov and thanks. Th old man said that it was th happist momnt in his lif. Glorious tachr

标签: 老师
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