字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 事理说明:欢乐与忧伤-Joy and Sorrow,事理说明:欢乐与忧伤-Joy a

事理说明:欢乐与忧伤-Joy and Sorrow,事理说明:欢乐与忧伤-Joy a

高中生作文   2025-03-07

事理说明:欢乐与忧伤-Joy and Sorrow 由 欢乐与忧伤











Joy and Sorrow

In our lif, joy and sorrow ar lik shadows that follow and go along with us. Somtims w ar in joy. Somtims w ar in sorrow. At tims w cannot tll joy from sorrow.

What is joy? In th natur that is going on forvr, joy is a driving powr, which pushs th world forward. A joyful prson has a sound mind and livs a happy lif. H taks part in good activitis and shars th joy with his fllows in th caus. It can b said that th joyful prson is satisfid from bing kind to othrs.

Sorrow is oftn slf-sought①. Th dsir for powr adds to on's sorrow. Th dsir for powr gos sid by sid with th dsir for fam and walth. Whn th dsir for powr and fam and walth is out of balanc② with rality, it bcoms th root of sorrow. Bsids, nvy, rvng ③ and vanity④ ar also sourcs of sorrow. Th thr vils⑤ xist in man's imagination⑥. Popl suffr from thm without knowing.

To b happy on must gt fr from sorrow ld by dsir and imagination.


①slf-sought['slf's&t] a.自找的

②out of balanc['b$l ns] 失去平衡

③rvng[ri'vnDN] n.报仇;报复(心)

④vanity['v$n ti] n.虚荣心;自负

⑤vil['i:v l] n.邪恶;罪恶

⑥imagination[i?m$DNi'niM n] n.想象;想像力


本文是谈苦乐观的事理说明文。作者在文章引言段的一开头用明喻的修辞格,把苦和乐比作时刻伴随我们的影子,引出篇题。第二段和第三段是正文,各讲一方面。第二段写作者对欢乐的理解,第三段是对忧伤的诠释,并分析了产生痛苦的两种原因——欲望和想象。结尾段用简短的一句话提出摆脱痛苦的方法。 事理说明:欢乐与忧伤-Joy and Sorrow 由

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