字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 A Good Plan,A Good Plan范文

A Good Plan,A Good Plan范文

初中生作文   2025-02-16

A Good Plan,A Good Plan范文A Good Plan A Good Plan

Now I am a middl school studnt, and I hav som xprinc on study. I think a good plan is th most important.

In th middl school, thr ar a lot of things to do vry day. So you must hav a plan to hlp you do all th things, or you will b vry busy and can’t do things wll.

First, a plan can hlp you sav much tim. It maks you know which must b don first and which can b don scond. It maks you vry clar in doing things.

Scond, a plan can hlp you do things bttr. A good ordr of doing things maks you happir and rlaxd. You can do things quickly and happily and you will b intrstd in vrything you do and want to do mor.

Third, all kinds of small plans will hlp you know how to mak a big plan---a lif study plan. So if you want to mak your lif bttr and bttr, you should plan all th things you will do, and at last mak a good plan for your lif.

A Good Plan

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