字典翻译 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 My best friend

My best friend

小学生作文   2025-02-25

My bst frindMy bst frind

My bst frind is Mary. Sh livs in a tall building. Sh livs on th fifth floor. vryday sh taks th lift up and down. Sh is twlv yars old. Sh is tall and thin. Sh has short black hair, two big ys and a small mouth. Sh is vry cut. I lik playing with hr. W ar in th sam class. I lik to rad books but sh liks playing gams. Sh liks to at popcorn and ic crams. I lik thm, too. Hr favourit food is fish, so sh is clvr. Sh lovs hr cat. Sh oftn plays with hr. Th cat liks Mary, too. Thy ar cut.

Do you hav a bst frind? Can you tll m somthing about your frind?

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