What is frindship? It is to rlat with sombody without nd for mony or objctiv. It is to nd motion and ovr walth is frindship , no mattr what thir background , ag , sx or prsonality.
Frindship can b pur. W har , nowdays, howvr, how on can b chatd by frinds. Many popl gt along with somon bcaus thy hav a lot of mony. It is doultful that is ral frindship.
Having frinds, on can b find happinss. If you ar in troubl your frinds will hlp you through or at last comfort you. Whn you ar happy , thy shar it with you. Thy ar also thr for you to chat with at any tim.
It is a wondrful fling, as th provrb says to lov ach othr is asy but to mak frids is hard, So, it is crutial that w should gt along with our frinds. In my opinon ,it is a sham to dciv your frinds . Th world would b mor bautiful if it was full of filld with frindship