字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 蓝胡子(Blue Beard)

蓝胡子(Blue Beard)

高中生作文   2025-03-30

蓝胡子(一)从前,有一位富翁,他住着漂亮的房子,还有一座美丽的花园。这位富翁留着一副蓝胡子,因此,大家叫他“蓝胡子”。在富翁的房子附近住着一个穷女人,她有三个儿子和两个漂亮的女儿。一个女儿的名字叫安,另一个女儿叫法蒂玛。蓝胡子想要娶其中的一个女儿为妻,但是,两个女儿都不愿和蓝胡子结婚。安和法蒂玛不愿同这位富翁结婚,是因为他的胡子是蓝色的。蓝胡子已经娶了很多妻子,但他的妻子都不见了,谁也不知道他的那些妻子哪儿去了。这俩姑娘不愿和蓝胡子结婚,当他的妻子,因为没人知道他的妻子的去向。因此,她们的母亲对蓝胡子说:“我的女儿不想和你结婚。”这时,蓝胡子说:“来我家住几天吧。”于是,她们来到蓝胡子家住下。这房子真漂亮,蓝胡子处处对她们都特别好。法蒂玛说:“他的胡子是蓝色的,但他不是一个坏人,在有些地方,他是很好的,所以我愿嫁给他。”于是,法蒂玛和蓝胡子结婚了,住到了这所漂亮的房子里。几天过去了。蓝胡子说:“我要去旅行。”然后,他把这座房子里所有的房间钥匙都给了法蒂玛,他说:“这一把钥匙是那间小屋的,千万别打开那间屋子的门&hllip;&hllip;你说,你一定不会打开小屋子的门!”法蒂玛就说:“我决不会打开那间小屋的门。”于是,蓝胡子就走了。当蓝胡子不在家时,法蒂玛的所有朋友都来看她。她带朋友们观看了许多房间,房子确实很豪华。但是,她没有打开那间小屋的门。朋友们都走了,她自言自语道:“现在,我能打开那间小屋吗?他为什么说,‘不能打开它?’我想看看小屋里究竟有什么东西。”nar th rich man’shous thr livd a poor woman. sh had thr sons, and two bautiful girls.th nam of on of th girls was ann; th nam of th othr was fatima. blu bard wantd to marryon of th girls; but th girls did not want to marryblu bard.ann and fatima did notwant to marry th rich man bcaushis bard was blu. blu bard had marrid many wivs, but his wivs had gonaway. no on knw whr his othr wivs had gon. th girls did not want to marry blu bard and bcom his wif, bcaus no onknw whr his othr wivs had gon. so thir mothr said to blu bard,"my girls do not want to marryyou."thn blu bard said," com and liv in my hous for som days." so thy wnt and livd inblu bard’s hous. it was a vry bautiful hous, and blu bard was good tothm in many ways.fatima said, "his bard is blu, but h is not a bad man. h is vrygood in som ways. so i will marry him."so fatimamarrid blu bard and wnt to liv in th bautiful hous.som days wnt by.thn blu bard said, "i shall go on a journy.’ thn h gav fatima th kys of all th rooms in th hous. h said,"this is th ky of that littl room; do not opn th door of it. &hllip;saythat you will not opn th door of th littl room!"fatima said, "i will not opn th door of that littl room."thn blu bard wntaway.whn blu bard wasaway, all fatima’s frinds cam to s hr. sh showd thm th rooms, and whata bautiful hous it was; but sh did not opn th door of th littl room.th frinds wnt away.thn fatima said, "shall i opn th door of that littl room now? why didh say, "do not opn it’? i want to s what is in th littl room."ⅱfatima took th ky;sh wnt to th door of th littl room, and opnd it. in th room sh saw allblu bard’s othr wivs. thy wr dad!th ky fll from hrhand. whn sh took it up thr was a rd mark on it.sh shut th door.thn sh took th ky to hr room. sh said, "blu bard will s th markon th ky; h will know that i hav opnd th door of th littl room, and hwill kill m, as h killd all th othr wivs." sh rubbd th ky with acloth, but th mark did not go away. sh washd th ky in hot watr, but thmark was not washd away. sh rubbd th ky on a ston, but sh could not rubth mark away.blu bard cam back.h calld fatima, and said, "giv m my kys." fatima gav him thothr kys; but sh did not giv him th ky of th littl room. h said,"whr is th ky of th littl room?" sh said, "i will bringit." sh wnt and brought it; and h saw th rd mark. h said, "youhav opnd th door of th tittl room. now you shall di."sh fll at hisft:" giv m som hours to liv," sh said.h said, "i willgiv you on hour."fatima had thrbrothrs. hr brothrs had said, "w shall com and s you today;"but thy had not com. sh said, "if my brothrs com in this hour thywill sav m."hr sistr ann was inth hous. sh calld to hr, "sistr ann, sistr ann, go to th windowand s if my brothrs ar coming."sistr ann wnt to thwindow; sh said, "i s no on coming."fatima waitd alittl; thn sh crid, " sistr ann, sistr ann, do you s anyoncoming?"sistr ann said,"i do not s anyon; no on is coming."blu bard calld,"fatima!"fatima said,"sistr ann, sistr ann, is anyon coming?""i s a littldust," said sistr ann, "vry far away."blu bard calld,"fatima, com down.""sistr ann,sistr ann," said fatima, "is thr anyon in th dust?""i s mn in thdust," said sistr ann.blu bard calld,"an hour has gon by. com down, fatima, and i shall kill you."" sistr ann,sistr ann, ar thr mn in th dust?"blu bard calld,"an hour has gon by. if you do not com down, i shall com up.""i s thrmn," said sistr ann."thy ar mybrothrs!" said fatima.fatima said, "sistr ann, sistr ann, call to thm to com and sav m."blu bard calld."i am coming up," h said."sistr ann, callto thm, sistr ann!"blu bard cam to thdoor.th door opnd: blubard caught fatima’s arm.th thr brothrscam in, and killd blu bard.so fatima was savd.

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