字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 感恩父亲


写人   2025-03-11


Dar Dad:  You hav workd hard!

In th past, I am always afraid to you and positiv dialogu. vry tim somthing was always afraid to tll you. Bcaus whn you fac th total srious. Today to tak this opportunity to say somthing to you whispring. Xiao ntwork composition

Dad, vry wknd, I was always th tim you hav to clos th arrangmnt. Mathmatical Olympiad morning composition class in th aftrnoon thr ar nglish classs in Cambridg. I would lik to b abl to dominat his tim, agr to rcogniz frinds, community awarnss.  In addition, th fathr, you will rcall that I am sick of it? That, whn thy travl to swim bcaus a lot of tims, th sublingual gland, whr a numbr of issus, th doctors said an opration to b curd.  

Aftr th surgry, you work hard day and night for m, I'm hungry, you always giv m to bring food from hom; in my slp, you always watch my sid, I far what Thing; in my hart th crid, you always comfort and uncl along with m, ncouragd m; at a tim whn I at, you always lookd at m quitly asid. But I know whr you ar busy at th tim that I look at th ah! You can vn to m, but gav up in th hands of a larg businss! I do, whn th tst of tim is not activly cooprat so that you ar concrnd, hr, an son tll you I am sorry.  

Hart of Thanksgiving, thanks to his fathr. Dad, this tim in th mid-trm xam, I did not ntr th top tn. Wll, I lov you: I hav to at what you do to m; stationry to what you told m to buy. No mattr what I want, as long as you can buy it, it would dfinitly b availabl, and thn I gav.  

This is what th world can pay off, in addition to Parnts.  


Good halth  


Your son: Yi Xin-yuan  


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