字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 童年忆事我童年的甜美回忆-A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood,

童年忆事我童年的甜美回忆-A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood,

高中生作文   2025-02-16

童年忆事我童年的甜美回忆-A Plasant Mmory of My Childhood 由 我童年的甜美回忆




【作文示范】A Plasant Mmory of My Childhood

I am ightn yars old now, but th rcollction① of th fun and amusmnt② is lik a swt dram.On Sunday, our family wnt to climb th bautiful Shushan Hill .My fathr told my ldr sistr and m that th first on to gt to th top would b givn a toy. W jumpd with joy. W startd to run up. At first I took th lad. A fw minuts latr I was brathlss and my sistr was ahad of m. Th soft masss of th waving grass, and th drowsy③, balmy④ air all snt thir warm invitation for m to rst. But I followd my thirst for th toy and continud climbing. At last I rachd th top first.

Thr w njoyd th fascinating viw and had a picnic. At about two o'clock w dancd our way down th hill with joy in our harts, and I flt happir than th othrs bcaus I got a toytrain .【词语解释】①rcollction [rk 'lkM n] n.回忆;追忆②amusmnt[ 'mju:zm nt] n.乐趣;娱乐活动③drowsy['drauzi] a.昏昏欲睡的;催人入睡的④balmy['ba:mi] a.有香气的;芬芳的


1)本文记叙了作者儿时的一件小事。事情虽小,却令作者回味无穷,每每忆起总有一种甜美的(plasant)感受,好像做着香甜的梦(swt dram)。这样叙述会给读者留下深刻的印象。由此看来,写记叙文不要面面俱到,要从众多素材中撷取一件最有代表性的事例叙述即可。2)作者在文中使用了三种修辞格:(1)拟人(prsonification):“Th soft masss of waving grass,and th drowsy,balmy air all snt thir invitation for m to rst.”(那起伏的嫩软青草,那催人入睡的芬芳的气息都在热烈邀请我停下来休息。);(2)明喻(simil):“lik a swt dram”(像做着香甜的梦);(3)隐喻(mtaphor):“followd my thirst for th toy”(渴望得到那件玩具)。这样,全文读来饶有风趣。 童年忆事我童年的甜美回忆-A Plasant Mmory of My Childhood 由

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