字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Getting to Know the World outside the Campus,Getting to Know

Getting to Know the World outside the Campus,Getting to Know

高中生作文   2025-02-15

Gtting to Know th World outsid th Campus   With th rapid dvlopmnt of our socity, th campus is no longr an "Ivory Towr". Studnts must gt in touch with th world outsid th campus so that thy can adapt thmslvs to socity mor quickly whn thy graduat.  Almost all studnts kp thmslvs informd by TV, radio broadcasts and nwspaprs. Som of thm vn tak up a part-tim job in thir spar tim. Working as tutors, srving in som fast-food rstaurants… All ths hav kpt studnts in touch with socity.  Now th summr vacation will com and I'v alrady found myslf a job-working as a typist in an offic. I'v larnd typing for many yars and I think I can do it wll. It's a good chanc for m to gt to know socity, to larn how to gt along with my collagus and to s how my knowldg is put into practis. Whn th nxt smstr bgins, I'll still try to gt this kind of littl job. Rgardlss of th pay, I think th most important thing is that I can rally know a lot about socity. Gtting to Know th World outsid th Campus

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