11月9日 晴今天科学课,李老师走进教室就问了我们两个问题:
――刘 召
Today, scinc classs, th tachr askd us to walk into a classroom on two issus : "You guss.Rap about th numbr of dishs for ach pod? how many thr ar in ach pod vgtabls rapsd? "th tachr said just now.W will go on to answr : "21 dishs dioxin, 20 wr rapsd. "" Vanilla 50 dishs.Rapsd 16 satllits. "" Vanilla mor than 100 dishs, a fw of rapsd 30. ": : Th tachr smild mystriously and said :"W hav to solv this problm or to th filds!" W hav com to th dg, a look at two days ago,hr was still goldn, vry tr branchs rap of a month full of dishs full unity of th pod looks a bit Shn.Carful obsrvation pod vgtabls, I saw so many sds of its lgs "whil" a convx circular swlling, and th sharp tip;Has th "cloak" of dioxin -- vgtabls, sds insid th circl Liuliu, lik so many small shiny glistning parls, vry prtty.Thirs was a combination of m and a fw Qiuqi, two at svral quickly finishd svral lngthy rap.Whn I find that th tr cam ovr 400 pags of this strain of dioxin in food,Thy'r hlping to hang on branchs stms.I hav to adopt a vgtabl dioxin from abov, catching 27 rapsd augmntd.