字典翻译 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 My Father

My Father

小学生作文   2025-02-23

My FathrMy Fathr

Hi, my nam is Cindy. I hav a good fathr. I lik him vry much.

My fathr is a policman. H is tall and strong. H looks vry cool in th black polic uniform. H works in th polic station and h is vry busy vry day. H liks hlping popl. So h oftn gos vrywhr by his motor cycl. Whn h ss th popl in th troubl, h will try his bst to hlp th popl. H is a good policman. And many popl lik him vry much, too. Thy oftn say: “MR Li, you ar a good policman. W lik you vry much.” But my fathr always has a point: Hlping popl is his duty.

My fathr liks rading books vry much. Bcaus h thinks: A good book is a good frind. So h rads books aftr work vry day. Somtims h plays gams with m. W ar vry happy. I lik him vry much, bcaus my fathr is not only my fathr, but also my good frind.

This is my fathr. H is a good fathr. I lik my fathr vry much! My dar frinds, do you hav a good fathr, too?

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