求职信-A Letter of Job Application
A Lttr of Job Application 求职信
You will graduat from univrsity and ar hunting for a job. Aftr rading a job ads, writ a lttr to th Prsonnl Rsourcs Dpartmnt to
1)stat your rason to writ th application,
2)dscrib your rlvant ducation background,
3)introduc your nglish lvl, and
4)stat your way of contact.
Dar Sir/Madam,
I am rsponding to your ad in th Jun 20th, 2005, issu of th Sunday Talnt Journal for th position of production coordinator. I fl that my background in lctronics and manufacturing will fit in wll.
I will graduat from th Bijing Scinc & Tchnology Univrsity in Jun with a Bachlor of Scinc dgr in Manufacturing nginring. I hav had xtnsiv training on computrs whil at school. In my Production and Invntory class, I hav larnd about computrizd production and matrial schduling in a job shop nvironmnt.
I passd CT-6 in 2004. Not only do I pay much attntion to improving my rading and listning skills, but I also kp practicing oral nglish.
I am looking forward to haring from you. Would you plas call m to st an intrviw? I can b rachd at my rsum addrss or by phoning (010) 2357-7980 aftr 4 p. m.
Sincrly Yours
Li Ming