Topic on:nvironmnt Protction(环境保护)
Watr Pollution
With th dvlopmnt of industry, watr pollution is bcoming mor srious now. Th pollutd watr not only kills fish, it is also harmful to our halth. Many popl gt sick bcaus thy drink th pollutd watr. In som rivrs th watr is so dirty that thy can vn kill plants.
W should fight against th pollution. W should stop using harmful things. I wish it is not a dram that in th nar futur w can hav clan rivrs again.
nvironmnt Protction
Nowadays, popls lif has changd a lot with th dvlopmnt of modrn tchnology and conomy, which has put lots of ngativ ffcts on th nvironmnt.
Why this? Bcaus, firstly, som factoris ar pouring wasts into rivrs, laks, sas and so forth; scondly, bcaus of human activitis, a grat numbr of plants and animals ar losing thir livs; thirdly, using modrn machins and chmicals is bad for th nvironmnt. Bsids ths, thr ar a lot of human activitis which hav don or ar doing harm to our surroundings.
For this, I think, first, our govrnmnt should mak drastic masurs to rgulat human activitis; scond, w human bings should tak pains-taking work to stop ourslvs dstroying th nvironmnt and try our bst to protct our living spac mor.
Forst Prtntion保护森林
Our country has a larg ara of forst. Howvr, not until rcntly did th govrnmnt bgin to raliz th importanc of protcting th forst. As w may know from various sourcs, th govrnmnt rcntly adoptd a policy calld rstor th farmland to th forst(退耕还林).This has brought much hop to th forst of our country as wll as th sustainabl dvlopmnt of our country.
Pollution: a Social Problm
Whn w rad nwspaprs, w oftn com across th word pollution. This word was not familiar to th popl som dcads ago. But now, it is a srious thrat to us bcaus. it mans th poisoning of th air, sas, rivrs and lands, which would do harm to our halth.
Thr ar many factoris that bring pollution to us. W can not hav frsh air in th morning. This is mainly bcaus of th poisonous smok coming from factoris, spcially chmical ons. In rivrs, sas and ocans, thr ar industrial wasts. Som factoris just throw thir wasts into sas or lt thm flow into rivrs. Whn popl drink th watr from such rivrs, thy gt poisond. Bsids, thr is rubbish from ships and whn somtims an accidnt occurs in an ocan, oil flows out from tankrs.
On land, th accumulation of rubbish in th strts may dirty th city and ruin our halth. This is mainly du to th impropr disposal of rubbish by popl.
If w do mot fight against pollution, surly on day all of us will b killd. Som popl lik to put th blam on th industrial rvolutions. On th contrary, th pollution problm will b solvd only with th hlp of modm scinc and tchnology.
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