字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 相似点与相异点-Similaity and difference

相似点与相异点-Similaity and difference

高中生作文   2025-02-07

Similaity and diffrnc-相似点与相异点

Two prsons may hav quit similar qualitis. On th othr hand, it is also tru to say that vrybody in th world is diffrnt from vrybody ls bcaus thy ar not xactly th sam. No two popl, anywhr, ar xactly alik and no two popl shar xactly th sam liks and disliks. ach has his strong and wak points. In ordr to liv fully and happily, ach of us nds to fortify his good points and ovrcom his poor ons

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