My Mother's Birthday
Th sixth of August was my mothrs birthday. My fathr and I wantd to giv hr surprising birthday prsnts.On thir mothrsbirthday,I know som of my classmats ar going to hlp thir mothrs with houswork;othrs ar going to th shop and buy som flowrs for thir mothrs.
In th morning, my fathr and I wnt shopping and bought a vry nic cak.Thn w wnt to th markt and bought som food.Whn w got hom,my fathr cookd som nic food in th kitchn.I wnt to my room to mak a birthday card.I wantd to say to my mothr that I lovd hr vry much.Thn I wrot in th card,I lov you,my dar mothr!I put it on hr pillow,thn w cland th room.W flt vry tird,but w wr vry happy.
My mothr got hom.W said,Happy Birthday!My mothr smild.W had our suppr togthr.My mothr said,Thank you, my daughtr!
How happy w wr!