字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 选读推荐 英文之Review of “Is Arrogant and Prejudice”

英文之Review of “Is Arrogant and Prejudice”

选读推荐   2025-02-28

Austin "Is arrogant And Prjudic",Just lik sh said,Is on two inchs ivory th thin carving,It is Austin's rprsntativ works.This rflction marriag qustion novl which in th author workmost rcivs wlcom,has bn at consrvativ and undr th unnlightnd conditionnglish villags and towns lif and th ways of th world human.sntimnt,th work vivid rflction 18 cntury's nds to th bginningof 19th cntury.Its social local customs and practics rsmbls th novl not only was attracting thgnral radrs at that tim,Rally to today,Still gav th radr to njoy by th uniqu art.Sh is th first rality dscribs in th daily ordinary lif thordinary graciousnss writr of fiction,Playd th rol in th nglish novl history which links th prcdingwith th following.

th ntir work dos not hav th flood th imposing mannr,Not winding unconstraind plot,But is this kind of simplicity,Fin dply is attracting us,Austin's short lif narly all is passd in ngland's villag, Prhaps is priphry is simpl,Th tranquil atmosphr has brd hr indiffrnt makings.cannot bcaus dos not hav th rich xprinc,On has th suspicion to hr rgarding th thing analysis ability, Has rad "Arrogant And Prjudic" th human crtainly can b xquisitfor hr,th kn motion subdus.Whn writs "Is arrogant And Prjudic",Sh is only svral yar-old girls, Isn’t this on kind of talnt? Sh indd vry littl contacts "outsid”, But thought xistnc, Imagination xistnc, this all xistncs ar nough.

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