Heavy Schoolwork,Heavy Schoolwork范文
Havy Schoolwork In my opinion, th schoolwork now bing assignd to high school studnts is too havy. Whil it is tru that studnts nd to study, thy nd othr things as wll if thy ar to grow into halthy and wll-roundd adults. High should b allowd mor tim for play. Plying is not wasting tim, as som think. It givs thm physical xrcis, and also xrcis thir imagination. Which tnds to b stifld by too much study. Finally, th prssur put on high school studnts by xcssiv schoolwork can caus srious strss, which is unhalthy physically and mntally. I do not advocat th limination of schoolwork. I do think, howvr, that a rduction of th currnt havy load would b bnficial to studnts and to th socity as a whol. Havy Schoolwork
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