兴趣是最好的老师-Interest Is the Best Teacher
兴趣是最好的老师-Intrst Is th Bst Tachr小学的时候我学习不好,总得不了高分。老师认为我不是好学生,妈妈也把我看成是坏孩子。我伤心极了,他们肯定都以为我是一个笨孩子,可我并不笨。我画的画经常拿出去展览,有许多著名的艺术家还夸奖过我呢,他们说我是小神童。爸爸也支持我,他鼓励我做自己喜欢做和认为对的事情,还告诉我兴趣是最好的老师。爸爸尽力创造机会让我发挥自己的天赋。我相信兴趣加努力会让我在不久的未采成为一名有成就的画家。
Intrst Is th Bst Tachr
I wasnot abl to gt high marks whn I wasin primary school. Tachrs didn't lik m bcaus I was not a good studnt. Mothr considrd m as a bad kid. Thy hurt m by thinking I am a rtardd child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings wr showd in public. Many famous artists had praisd m for my paintings. Thy calld m "littl prodigy". And dad was on my sid too. H ncouragd m to do what I likd and what I thought was propr. H told m that intrst is th bst tachr, Dad did what h could to dvlop my talnt fully. I bliv that intrst togthr with hard work will mak m a succssful artist in th nar futur.