字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 人们如何度假(How People Spent Their Holidays)

人们如何度假(How People Spent Their Holidays)

初中生作文   2025-02-18

人们如何度假(How Popl Spnt Thir Holidays)as can b sn from th tabl,grat changs took plac in th ways that popl spnt thir holidays ovr th priod from th yar 1990 to 1999.th proportion of travling abroad and camping was incrasing stadily, from 12% to 24% and from 10% to 36% sparatly, whil that of staying at hom and going to th sasid was dcrasing yar by yar, from 38% to 31% and from 40% to 9% sparatly.why wr thr changs? i think popl can nowadays afford travling.also, popl prfr to pursu a high-quality and colorful lif. so w can s that popl's living standard has bn rising gratly.

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