字典翻译 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 Aliens


小学生作文   2025-02-21

AlinsI lik alins bcaus I think thy ar smart and spcial.  

My alins hav grn skin. Thy want to us thm to hid thir body in hassock bcaus thy larn about th poisonous spidrs and th vnomous snaks and can't at grass. In addition, thy us this trait to hid from plows to stal som corn or nuts.  

My alins liv on plant#5 "Idop." Thr is a lot of land and only a littl watr. Thr ar a lot of vgtabls, fruit, animals, and som fish, but no birds thr, so thr ar a lot of snaks and inscts.  

Nobody knows how long th alins hav livd thr, bcaus alins ar vry arcan and smart craturs.

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