字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 环境问题(environmental matter)

环境问题(environmental matter)

初中生作文   2025-03-10

环境问题(nvironmntal mattr)th nvironmntal mattr is a hot topic nowadays. not only dos it affct our halth, it also has a grat impact on our futur.du to lacking of nvironmntal concpts, popl's halth has bn gratly affctd by air, nois and watr pollution. in ordr to liv a bttr lif, w nd a clanr world. w should now b concrnd for nvironmnt by crating a bttr futur for our nxt gnration.in conclusion, th nvironmntal mattr is an important issu that dirctly affcts vry human in th world!

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