字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我的班级(My Class)

我的班级(My Class)

初中生作文   2025-03-10

我的班级(My Class)我的班级(my class)thr ar fifty-two studnts in my class. w hav diffrnt liks and disliks, but w all hav a grat goal. w study togthr. w play togthr. w talk to ach othr. w hlp ach othr. w ar frindly to ach othr. our class is lik a big family. w ar vry happy.w hav many tachrs. thy ar vry kind. thy ar always nic to us.thy mak us study vry vry hard. all my tachrs always ncourag us to larn all subjcts wll.

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