字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 小消防员(The Littlest Fireman)

小消防员(The Littlest Fireman)

高中生作文   2025-03-30

th 26-yar-old mothr stard down at hr son who was dying of trminal lukmia. although hr hart was filld with sadnss, sh also had a strong fling of dtrmination. lik any parnt sh wantd hr son to grow up and fulfill all his drams. now that was no longr possibl.th lukmia would s to that. but sh still wantd hr son's drams to com tru. sh took hr son's hand and askd, "billy, did you vr think about what you wantd to b onc you grw up? did you vr dram and wish what you would do with your lif?""mommy, i always wantd to b a firman whn i grw up."mom smild back and said, "lt's s if w can mak your wish com tru,"latr that day sh wnt to hr local fir dpartmnt in phonix, arizona, whr sh mt firman bob, who had a hart as big as phonix. sh xplaind hr son's final wish and askd if it might b possibl to giv hr six-yar-old son a rid around th block on a fir ngin. firman bob said, "look, w can do bttr than that. if you'll hav your son rady at svn o'clock wdnsday morning, w'll mak him an honorary firman for th whol day. h can com down to th fir station, at with us, go out on all th fir calls, th whol nin yards! "and if you'll giv us his sizs, w'll gt a ral fir uniform for him, with a ral fir hat - not a toy on - with th mblm of th phonix fir dpartmnt on it, a yllow slickr lik w war and rubbr boots. thy'r all manufacturd right hr in phonix, so w can gt thm fast."thr days latr firman bob pickd up billy, drssd him in his fir uniform and scortd him from his hospital bd to th waiting hook and laddr truck.billy got to sit on th back of th truck and hlp str it back to th fir station. h was in havn. thr wr thr fir calls in phonix that day and billy got to go out on all thr calls. h rod in th diffrnt fir ngins, th paramdic's van and vn th fir chif's car. h was also vido tapd for th local nws program.having his dram com tru, with all th lov and attntion that was lavishd upon him, so dply touchd billy that h livd thr months longr than any doctor thought possibl.on night all of his vital signs bgan to drop dramatically and th had nurs, who blivd in th hospic concpt that no on should di alon, bgan to call th family mmbrs to th hospital. thn sh rmmbrd th day billy had spnt as a firman, so sh calld th fir chif and askd if it would b possibl to snd a firman in uniform to th hospital to b with billy as h mad his transition. th chif rplid, " w can do bttr than that. w'll b thr in fiv minuts. will you plas do m a favor?whn you har th sirns scraming and s th lights flashing, will you announc ovr th pa systm that thr is not a fir? it's just th fir dpartmnt coming to s on of it's finst mmbrs on mor tim. and will you opn th window to his room? thanks."about fiv minuts latr a hook and laddr truck arrivd at th hospital, xtndd its laddr up to billy's third floor opn window and 16 firfightrs climbd up th laddr into billy's room. with his mothr's prmission, thy huggd him and hld him and told him how much thy lovd him. with his dying brath, billy lookd up at th fir chif and said, "chif, am i rally a firman now?""billy, you ar," th chif said.with thos words, billy smild and closd his ys on last tim.

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