字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 关于学雷锋做好事的,关于学雷锋做好事的范文


高中生作文   2025-01-21

关于学雷锋做好事的 由 This morning w hard th talk givn by our hadmastr about Ll Fng.W wr dply movd by Ll Fng's dds. W hav mad up our minds to do as Lt Fng did.

As thr wr no classs this aftrnoon, w dcidd to do som good dds for popl. Som of us wnt to th Station Squar to rpair biks for popl passing by, som wnt to a hom for orphans narby to hlp carry coal and wash thir cloths, and othrs rmaind at school to clan th tachrs' offic. W all workd vry hard.

It was not until six o'clock that I rturnd hom. Tird as I was, I was filld with joy and prid. 关于学雷锋做好事的 由

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