做决定-Making Decision,做决定-Making Decision范文
做决定-Making Dcision 第一篇: Growing up mans making my own dcisions. Whn I was a littl, my parnts mad all th tough dcisions for m. But whil I am gtting oldr and oldr, I flt that I can mak dcisions for myslf! It occurrd to m that I hav got to fac all th difficultis on my own. Othrwis, I can't succd in th futur. Th hardst dcision that I hav vr mad was kping a diary vry day. At first I usually got los of it, but I found a lot of plasur in kping a diary vntually. vry night I sit at my dsk and rthink th happnd during th day's vnts bfor I go to bd. Aftr I writ my flings down, I can always b in a comfortabl mood. I hav so many xprincs in my diary. Kping diary is not only a good habit, th diary itslf is also a good frind of min. I'll kp on for th rst of my lif. 第二篇: Growing up mans making my own dcision. In my childhood, whnvr I was put in a difficult situation or had troubl making up my mind, I turnd to my parnts for advic without xcption. Howvr, with tim going by, I grow up and hav to cop with my own prsonal affairs. On th on hand, I am grantd mor frdom to handl mattrs in my own ways. On th othr hand, I also hav to tak rsponsibility for th consquncs of my dcisions. Wll gos a saying, " Thr is no fr lunch. " In addition to ntitling m to many privilgs I usd to b dnid, growing up also obligats m to mak my own dcisions. Th hardst dcision that I vr mad was whthr I should attnd vocational school or ordinary high school. Going to vocational school mant bing xmpt from prssur and tnsion. Thus, I could njoy a plasant and carfr school lif. Attnding ordinary high school would mak it imprativ for m to cram for th Joint Collg ntranc xamination. This mant anothr thr yars' hard word and sacrific an opportunity to rciv highr ducation. Aftr a carful considration and discussion with my parnts, I finally dcidd to attnd snior high school And this dcision has mad all th diffrnc. 长大意味着我要自己做决定。我小时候,每当我处于困境中或难以下决定时,我总会毫无例外地向我父母寻求忠告。然而,光阴荏苒,我长大了而且必须应付我自己的个人事务。一方面,我被给予更多的自由,去以自己的方式处理事务。另一方面,我也必须为我自己 所决定的结果负责。有一句俗语说得好:「天下没有白吃的午餐。」除了给我权利去享有许多我过去无法享有的特权外,长大也使我有义务去做自己的决定。 我所做过的最休难的决定就是我该上职业学校,还是普通高中。上职业学校意味着得以免除压力和紧张。如此,我就可以享受一段愉快而无忧无虑的学校生活。就读普通高中将使我必须为大学联考而恶补,这就意味着另外三年的苦读和牺牲以换取接受高等教育的机会。经过仔细的考虑和父母商谈之后,我最后决定上高中。而这个决定造成了日后的种种不同。 做决定-Making Dcision