介绍信:介绍联系人找野营地-Help the Letter Bearer① Find a Ca
介绍信:介绍联系人找野营地-Hlp th Lttr Barr① Find a Camp 介绍联系人找野营地
你校要搞一次暑期夏令营活动,聘请了一位擅长组织这类活动者,名叫L Graham。他打算在草山寻找营地。假定你是学校办公室办事员,请你给他出具一份介绍信,让他持信去该地联系。内容要点有:
④请求对方相信联系人(liaison man)。
Hlp th Lttr Barr① Find a Camp
Offic of No. 1 Middl School
Jun 25, 199__
To Whom it May Concrn /Dar Mr. Gao,
Th barr of this lttr, Mr. L Graham, has for svral yars bn intrstd in organizing camps for boys who can afford to spnd only a small amount on thir summr vacation. This summr our school has mployd him to do this work for our studnts. As h is considring locations for camps in Grass Mountain, I suggstd that you wr th man to hlp him, for you know vry cornr of th plac.
I shall b happy if you can hlp Mr, Graham in any way. H is a fin man and has a most worthwhil② job on his hands.
Yours vr truly,
Xiao Wang
①barr['b r ]n. 带信人,持信人
②worthwhil['w :Iwal] a. 值得花时间或精力的
介绍信(lttrs of introduction)是使写信人认识的人同另一人或多人相识的信件。可分私人介绍信和公务介绍信两种。私人介绍信是写信人向自己的亲友介绍第三者,语气比较随便,格式也不讲究。公务介绍信则是写信人因公把自已的同事、同学或业务关系人介绍给某单位或个人。这种介绍信语言和格式比较规范、严谨。私人介绍信的称呼可用对方的姓名,如我们选的这封信中的Mr.Gao;公务介绍信称呼或不知姓名者用To Whom it May Concrn,相当于汉语的“谨启者”或“……(单位)负责同志”。
①May I tak th librty of asking you to…?
②Plas favour m with an arly rply.
③Will you plas gratly oblig m by…?
④May I rqust your kindnss to do a fw things for m?
⑤I hop you will put th mattr in your mind. 介绍信:介绍联系人找野营地-Hlp th Lttr Barr① Find a Camp