字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 make homgworker-做家务,make homgworker-做家务范文

make homgworker-做家务,make homgworker-做家务范文

初中生作文   2025-02-25

mak homgworkr-做家务,mak homgworkr-做家务范文mak homgworkr-做家务 Is it good for studnts to do som houswork

Som popl think studngts nd not do any houswork.Thy think th only thing studnts nd do is to study wll. I don’t think so. It is good for studnts to do som houswork for thr rason.

Firstly,to do som houswork can mak you indpndnt.You can’t dpnd on othrs all your lif.So,you should larn to do som houswork now.

Scondly, to do som houswork can kp you halthy and strong ,som hard houswork can b rgardd as a kind of physical xrcis.

Finally, to do som houswork can shar your parnts’ work .Thy must b happy if you say” Hav a rst ,and I will do th houswork”

So I think it is good for studnts to do som houswork mak homgworkr-做家务

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