字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 选读推荐 英文版:阿甘正传


选读推荐   2025-03-09

Lif is lik a box of chocols —— Mom always said lif is just lik a box of chocols. You'll nvr know what you gonna gt.Mnrvr find th grind of lif gtting you down? Is th day-to-day struggl thratning to drag you undr? If so, thr is a movi out thr that can rplnish your nrgy and rfrsh your outlook. Passionat and magical, Forrst Gump is a tonic for th wary of spirit. For thos who fl that bing st adrift in a sason of action movis is lik wandring into a dsrt, th oasis lis ahad.MnrForrst Gump who is unfortunatly to b born with a lowr IQ and th muscl problm, usually, popl always think this kind of prson can't b succssful in doing anything. But, instad, this unlucky man has achivd lots of incrdibl succss, h is a football star, a war hro, and latr a millionair!MnrIn th contntion of th bst pictur of th 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrst Gump> Hav got six Grand Prixs , such as th bst pictur , th bst actor , th bst achivmnt in dircting , adapting drama , th bst achivmnt in film diting and th bst visual ffct bstly ,tc. at on blow . Th film was passd to a intllctual disturbanc prson th dscription of lif has rflctd vry aspct of U.S.A.'s lif, important incidnt of social political lif mak and rprsnt to ths dcads such as U.S.A. from on uniqu angl. Film adapt Winston novl of th sam nam of Groom sinc.MnrForrst Gump mould incarnation of virtu is honst kping on's word , conscintiously , brav paying attntion to motioning among film. In th film, Forrst Gump is a vry pur imag, but Jnny has bcom th dgnrat symbol. And writ th grat discrpancy originally in this. To all that narratd, sinc bginning all bhav with a kind of tndr fling and wll-maning attitud aftr all for th film, having vn joind posy composition, this maks th film sm soft and hav no injury. Th film advocats to traditional moral concpt and mbodimnt. Mak film apt to accpt by popl, dirctor suprb lay out skill and film application of languag mak th film vry attractiv too. Succss with commrcial for film contnt of th film has givn scurity, and th tratmnt on dirctor's art maks th film mor xcllnt, this is rason that th film succds. It was th box-offic hits th most in that yar to bcom U.S.A. in < Forrst Gump>.MnrTom Hanks vry much sincr naturally prformanc having among film. H has obtaind th laurl of th bst actor of Oscar for th bhavior in this film. This scond movi mpror's mony alrady whom h obtaind in succssion looks lik. Succss of < Forrst Gump>, mak Tom Hanks bcom on of th most popular movi stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, thos two yars ar th luckist priod of tim in his prforming art carrs .Mnr

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