当老师还是商人-To Be a Teacher or a Businessman
当老师还是商人-To B a Tachr or a BusinssmanTo B a Tachr 0r a Businssman
Mor and mor studnts hav chosn to ntr th commrcial fild instad of th taching fild aftr graduating from collgs in rcnt yars. It has bcom a trnd. Th graduats would rathr b businssmn than tachrs whn thy hunt for jobs. Why?
Firstly, as w all know, businss is a vry challnging fild with risks and comptition whil taching is a stabl profssion with littl risks. It is rasonabl that you can gt highr paymnt in th businss fild than in th taching fild. So many studnts tnd to apply for a job with high paymnt in a short tim aftr graduation.
Scondly, compard with taching in school, doing businss mans a procss of starting a carr, so it is mor xciting and challnging. Som of th graduats think taching I is vry dull and boring. Thy would rathr to tak risks tbr thir idal. Thy want to challng thmslvs and lad a dynamic lif. What is mor, thy can arn a grat amount of mony and njoy achivmnts of thir own carr. On th contrary, taching lif is mor calm and rgular.
In a sntnc, taching is stabl but with lss paymnt, qb b a busincssman mans highr paymnt or rapid promotion but mor risks. Which on will you choos? It dpnds on yourslf.