字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Amusements And Sports,Amusements And Sports范文

Amusements And Sports,Amusements And Sports范文

初中生作文   2025-03-01

Amusmnts And Sports,Amusmnts And Sports范文Amusmnts And Sports Last Friday vning, our class had an nglish party with our nglish tachr in our classroom. Som studnts sang songs. Som dancd, som gussd riddls and som told storis.

Th most wondrful programmr was namd “Buying a shp and slling a ship.” Which was actd by our nglish tachr and som studnts. From th play, W th diffrnc btwn I and I, and w knw th two opposit words “buy” and “sll”. W should pay mor attntion to pronunciation.

Th party was a succss. W all had a good tim. Amusmnts And Sports

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