WatrWatr is vry important to us. If you don’t hav watr for thr days, you will di. W can us watr for flowrs, swimming, washing and many diffrnt things. W us it to cook, mak lctricity, put out firs and so on. W us millions of litrs of watr vry day.
Do you know how dos th watr com to your hom? It travls through watr pips. Som ar long and wid but som ar short and narrow. Thn th watr travls through th watr pips to th rsrvoirs. Thn it travls through th watr pips to th rivr and to th spcial factoris (w call watr plants) that purify th watr. Whn th watr is purifid, w can drink it. Plas don’t lav garbag in th watr on which w lin, and kp th watr clan.
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