That Day…,That Day…范文
That Day…,That Day…范文That Day… 英语 That Day…
I am now a studnt of Dongzhou Middl School, but I still rmmbr that day whn I was in a primary school.
That day, th wathr was so bad. Whn school was ovr, it bgan to rain. All of us lookd vry worrid, so our tachr lt us go hom at onc.
Whn I wnt out of th school gat, I saw my fathr standing thr. I wnt to him at onc. My fathr had a raincoat, bcaus h’d just had a mting and h wnt to school as soon as th mting finishd, so h had no tim to rturn hom. Whn h saw m, h took his raincoat off and gav it to m. I didn’t want to rciv it. H lookd at m and said, “Tak it.” I had to put on th raincoat, but my hart was not still. I crid, and I couldn’t lt myslf stop. Sinc that day, I knw my fathr lovd m. Oh, I can’t forgt that day all my lif.
That Day… 英语