字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The Race Between A Tortoise And A Rabbit,The Race Between A

The Race Between A Tortoise And A Rabbit,The Race Between A

初中生作文   2025-03-04

Th Rac Btwn A Tortois And A Rabbit,Th Rac Btwn ATh Rac Btwn A Tortois And A Rabbit Th Rac Btwn A Tortois And A Rabbit

A rabbit is walking in th forst, and singing loudly. Suddnly h ss a tortois coming slowly from anothr road.

Th rabbit says, “Hi, I’m a rabbit. I can run fast. Ha, ha! You run so slowly, ha…” Th rabbit laughs at th tortois. Th tortois gts angry, and h says, “Don’t look down on m. Lt’s hav a rac.” “OK, lt’s hav a rac. I must com first!” says th rabbit.

Th othr animals in th forst ar th rfrs. Th animals say, “On, two…Go!”Th rabbit runs lik an arrow. Aftr only a fw minuts, th tortois falls far bhind him. Th rabbit looks back, but h can’t s th tortois. H’s vry proud. “Ah, I’ll b th first. I’m a littl tird. I nd to hav a rst.” says th rabbit.

Th rabbit lis down undr th tr. Soon h falls aslp. But th tortois dosn’t stop, h kps on running. “Run, run, don’t stop, I’ll win.”

Congratulations! Congratulations! On stp aftr anothr, finally, h gts to th finish lin. H’s th first! Th rabbit waks up and says, “What tim is it? Whr’s th tortois?”

Th rabbit runs to th finish lin. To his surpris, th tortois has bn thr alrady. And h larns that h fails bcaus of his prid.

Th Rac Btwn A Tortois And A Rabbit

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