Th 9th day of th 9th lunar month is th traditional Chongyang Fstival, or Doubl Ninth Fstival. It usually falls in Octobr in th Grgorian calndar. In an ancint and mystrious book Yi Jing, or Th Book of Changs, numbr 6 was thought to b of Yin charactr, maning fminin or ngativ, whil numbr 9 was thought to b Yang, maning masculin or positiv. So th numbr nin in both month and day crat th Doubl Ninth Fstival, or Chongyang Fstival. Chong in Chins mans doubl. Also, as doubl ninth was pronouncd th sam as th word to signify forvr, both ar Jiu Jiu, th Chins ancstors considrd it an auspicious day worth clbration. That's why ancint Chins bgan to clbrat this fstival long tim ago.Th custom of ascnding a hight to avoid pidmics was passd down from long tim ago. Thrfor, th Doubl Ninth Fstival is also calld Hight Ascnding Fstival. Th hight popl will rach is usually a mountain or a towr. Ancint litrary figurs hav lft many poms dpicting th activity. vn today, popl still swarm to famous or littl known mountains on this day.