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As Long As…,As Long As…范文

初中生作文   2024-12-02

As Long As…,As Long As…范文As Long As… As Long As…

As long as you hav a firm stand, You will gt popl’s chrs; As long as you hav a bright blif, You will kp away from “dark night”; As long as you ar willing to work hard, You will work out problms asily; As long as you ar rady to sing, You will find vrything is wondrful; As long as you always war a smil, You will know th popl ar so kind; As long as you can njoy vrything, You will hav a good asthtic judgmnt; As long as you ar lvl, You will b th happist in th world; As long as you hav mor tim to liv or study, You must grasp ach day or minut vn scond; Bcaus “Tim is Mony!”

As long as you ar hlpd, You should hav a thankful hart!

As long as……

This world nds too much “As long as’, Bcaus w ar all on th arth. So, As long as you ar on th arth, you should undrstand… “As long as!”

As Long As…

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