字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Send an Umbrella to Father-给爸爸送伞,Send an Umbrella to Fa

Send an Umbrella to Father-给爸爸送伞,Send an Umbrella to Fa

初中生作文   2025-03-01

Snd an Umbrlla to Fathr-给爸爸送伞,Snd an Umbrlla to FaSnd an Umbrlla to Fathr-给爸爸送伞 晚上下起了大雨,可爸爸仍在工厂工作。我想今天早上爸爸出门时肯定没带伞,所以我决定给他送伞。当我来到工厂门口时,爸爸还没下班。我等了将近两个小时,爸爸才出来。然后我们俩高高兴兴地回家了。 It raind havily in th vning. But fathr was still at work. I didn't think h brought an umbrlla whn h wnt out this morning. So I dcidd to tak an umbrlla to him. Whn I rachd th gat of his factory, fathr was not thr. I kpt waiting for narly two hours. At last, fathr cam out and w wnt hom togthr happily. Snd an Umbrlla to Fathr-给爸爸送伞

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