字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The Grate Pyramid

The Grate Pyramid

初中生作文   2025-03-14

Th Grat Pyramid As w all know, th Grat Pyramid is on of th most famous symbols of ancint cultur. It has a history of about 5,000 yars. It lis in gypt, nar th Nil Rivr. And it covrs an ara of about 13 acrs. Th pyramid was mad of blocks of ston. Thr usd to b trasurs and th bodis of th kings and quns in it. It took ancint gyptians ovr 20 yars to finish stting up such a grat building. Th Grat Pyramid has bn a subjct for many scintists to rsarch on sinc it was discovrd. ach yar, a larg numbr of tourists travl to gypt

to s th world wondr with thir own ys.

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