字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The Mid-Autumn Festival-中秋节

The Mid-Autumn Festival-中秋节

初中生作文   2025-02-08

Th Mid-Autumn Fstival-中秋节 Th Mid-Autumn Fstival

Th Mid-Autumn is a vry important Chins fstival. It falls on th 15th day of August. A fw days bfor th fstival, vryon in th family will hlp to mak th hous clan and bautiful. Lantrns will b hung in front of th hous.

On th vning thr will b a big family dinnr. Popl who work far away from thir homs will try to com back for th union. Aftr dinnr, popl will light th lantrns which ar usually rd and round. Childrn will play with thir own toy lantrns happily.

At night th moon is usually round and bright. Popl can njoy th moon whil ating moon-caks which ar th spcial food for this fstival. Thy can look back on th past and look forward to th futur togthr. It is said that thr was a dragon in th sky. Th dragon wantd to swallow up th moon. To protct th frightn th dragon away.





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