母亲节的一天On Mother’s Day
母亲节作文:母亲节的一天On Mothr’s Day关键字:母亲节作文母亲节当天,你都为妈妈做了哪些事情?请以母亲节的一天为题,写一篇不少于100字的英语作文。In th arly morning, my sistr wnt out and brought hom a bunch of prtty flowrs.Right aftr my mothr got up out of bd,w said Happy Mothr's Day! to hr and gav hr th flowrs.My mothr was vry happy; sh smild and said,‘How wondrful th flowrs look! Thank you! Also,w told hr w wr going to do all th houswork for our blovd mothr,and sh could tak a rst for a day. In th bginning,w wr xcitd about all th work w can do at hom.Bfor long, w found that th houswork smd to b ndlss,Thr was cooking and washing, and claning to do, and thr was shopping to do, too .During th dinnr hour, th kitchn smd so busy. My fathr was making a salad, my sistr was baking a pi for dssrt, and I was washing ric and vgtabls,and thr wr many othr things to do.Finally, th dinnr was rady; it was two hours bhind th usual schdul.Th food was not as dlicious as my mothr's. Nvrthlss,my mothr and fathr njoyd it,and flt vry proud of thir daughtr and son.