字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 看望朋友-Visiting My Friend

看望朋友-Visiting My Friend

初中生作文   2025-01-27

看望朋友-Visiting My FrindJun lthSundayFin

Liu Ying is my bst frind. Sh has bn iii for thr days. In th aftrnoon, I wnt to s hr. Sh told m sh was snt to th hospital by hr parnts this morning.Th doctor lookd hr ovr'carfully, gav hr som mdicin and askd hr to stay in bd for a fw days. Sh thought sh wouldn't go to school until nxt wk. I askd hr to hav a good rst at hom and not to worry about hr lssons. I would hlp hr with hr lssons.

Sh lookd much bttr aftr haring that.




Jun lthSundayFin

This aftrnoon I wnt to s my frind Liu Ying. Sh has bn ill for thr days and this morning sh flt vn wors, so hr fathr took hr to th hospital. Th doctor xamind hr carfully and said it was nothing srious. Sh got a common cold,but sh had bttr stay in bd for two or thr days. Aftr taking som mdicin sh flt much bttr.

Liu Ying lookd still worrid. Sh was afraid of missing hr lssons. I told hr not to worry. I could hlp hr with hr lssons.I hop sh will b all right and kp up with othrs.




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