登山(Climbing Mountains)
登山(Climbing Mountains)climbing mountainsw had a svn-day holiday for may day. so my family and i wnt to climb country mountain.w wnt thr by my fathr's car. it took about an hour. it was long and dull.at about nin o’clock, w bgan to climb th mountain. w njoyd it and w didn't fl tird at all. w sang and chattd whil w wr climbing th mountain. whn w got to th top of th mountain, w found ourslvs swating and out of brath. w sat on th stons in th sunshin to hav a rst. thr wr many pin trs around us. th grass was gtting grn; th wind was soft and frsh. vrything was so bautiful that all of us couldn't hlp shouting to th mountain loudly, “w lov natur!”
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