字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 以小见大:我做对了吗?-Did I Do the Right Thing?,以小见大:我

以小见大:我做对了吗?-Did I Do the Right Thing?,以小见大:我

高中生作文   2025-03-13

以小见大:我做对了吗?-Did I Do th Right Thing? 我做对了吗?


一天,你和同学在买东西的时候碰见了你们的美国老师Mrs Brandnburg。她让你们帮她买一些水果。你们路过一个水果摊时,女摊主一边指着她的苹果一边用英语喊“这苹果很好”。可能是受了这位女孩纯正英语的影响,Mrs Brandnburg要买这里的苹果。问价钱时这位女孩说是6角8分一斤,但当这位女孩称苹果时在电子秤上显示的却是8角6分一斤。你受着良心的驱使和这位女孩理论起来,女孩嫌你站在外国人一边,说了一些侮辱你的话。你们离开水果摊后,外教知道了事情的真象,很感谢你,并说她由于不懂汉语,经常让人索高价。当晚,你问自己,为了帮外国人而使这个女孩丢了脸,不知道这件事做得是否对。


Did I Do th Right Thing?

Th othr day I was shopping with a classmat min whn w ran into our Amrican tachr. Mrs Brandnburg askd if w might hlp hr buy som fruits. W agrd.

As w passd a fruit stand, th girl ownr suddnly shoutd aloud in nglish, “Thy ar vry good.” Probably imprssd by hr pur nglish, Mrs Brandnburg dcidd to buy th appls which cost six jiao and ight fn a jin. Sh chos som and put thm onto to lctronic wight①. To my grat surpris, th wight unxpctdly showd th unit pric as ight jiao and six fn a jin.

I dbatd② with myslf. Was I to b on Mrs Brandnburg's sid to point this out, or should I b on th sid of th girl and rmain silnt? Svral sconds passd whn conscinc③ forcd m to ask th girl to rwight④ th appls according to its actual pric.

Th girl lookd unhappy.“Ar you a Chins?” sh askd m angrily. “Sh is not your mothr, is sh?”

“I am a Chins,”I rplid, “and sh is not your nmy, ithr, is sh?”

Aftr w lft th girl, Mrs Brandnburg thankd us again and again, fully undrstanding what had happnd. Thn, with a littl displasur⑤, sh told us sh had always bn ovrchargd⑥ just bcaus sh didn't know Chins.

That night I couldn't go to slp. It is tru that forign tachrs in China arn much mor than ordinary Chins, but should thy thrfor b ovrchargd? But on th othr hand was it right for m to disgrac⑦ a Chins in front of a forignr?

If you had bn in my position, my dar frind, what would you hav don?



①lctronic [ilk'tr&nik] wight 电子秤

②dbat [di'bit] v. 争论;辩论;讨论

③conscinc ['k&nM ns] n. 良心

④rwight['ri:'wit]v. 再称;重新称

⑤displasur [dis'plN ] n. 不愉快;不满

⑥ovrcharg [' uv 'tMa:dN] v. 要价太高

|⑦disgrac [dis'gris] v. 使丢脸


本文作者记述了自己经历的一件小事。叙述中有议论,议论中有叙述。记叙时参和着对话,叙述真实生动;议论时结合着实际,论说颇为有力。这样,记叙和议论有机地结合在一起,有利于文脉的贯通和题旨的阐发。虽然作者在文章中流露的是不知所措的思想,但是从作者的所为我们不难看出他是维护社会道德的卫士,从小事中我们可以看到有关国格人格的大事。 以小见大:我做对了吗?-Did I Do th Right Thing?

标签: 亲情 力量
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