字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 如何使社会稳定(How to Ensure Social Stability)

如何使社会稳定(How to Ensure Social Stability)

高中生作文   2025-02-02

in rcnt yars, thr is a fr conomic nvironmnt in our country. many popl dvot all thir fforts to thir carrs and gain much achivmnt. of cours working hard plays an important rol in thir succss, but thir succss also bnfits from th stabl social nviron mnt. stabl socity nabls popl to liv in pac, and provids thm with chancs.how to nsur social stability? actually it isn't difficult if w abid by th law consciously. so, first, w should strngthn lgal ducation, and nhanc th quality of our popl. thn thy'll raliz th ncssity to kp a stabl social nvironmnt. scondly w should limit th numbr of floating popl. ths popl may b an instability factor, bcaus thy hav no prmannt dwlling and fixd jobs. in th nd, w should try to prfct our lgal systm.if w can raliz th abov, i think w can dfinitly njoy social stability. in fact, stability and dvlopmnt ar rlatd. stability is th guarant of dvlopmnt. so lt's valu our prsnt social stability and try our bst to consolidat it, thn w can liv mor happily and our country will dvlop mor rapidly.

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