征稿启事:《英语拾零》征稿-Contributions Wanted,征稿启事:《英
征稿启事:《英语拾零》征稿-Contributions Wantd 《英语拾零》征稿
你们学校学生会办了一份杂志,取名《英语拾零》(nglish Sidlights)。假定你是主编,请你写一则征稿启事。要点如下:
1.contribution n.稿件
2.manuscript n.手稿;原稿
3.contributor n.投稿者
4.ditorial Sction 编辑组
Contributions Wantd
Contributions to a Magazin
nglish Sidlights is a magazin intndd for studnts in our middl school to improv thir oral and spokn xprssions in nglish. It is publishd on th fiftnth of vry month.
Contributions in th following forms and with th following contnts ar warmly wlcom, such as:
a. nglish storis, short plays and dialogus;
b. Popular scinc ssays, writings through picturs;
c. xprincs and suggstions on how to improv spokn nglish;
d. Writings about what you hav larnd from nglish grammar;
. Mthods and suggstions on how to writ wll in nglish;
f. Suggstions on nglish taching mthods.
Contributions ar xpctd to b within a 2000-word limit. Thy should b writtn clarly on on sid of th papr, doubl-spacd, with a wid margin. Manuscripts in nglish must b typd.
Manuscripts, if not accptd for publication, will b rturnd to th writr within two months. Contributors will b paid aftr thir manuscripts ar accptd in publication.
Plas snd your contributions to th ditorial Sction in th Offic of th Studnts' Union of this school.
ditorial Sction of nglish
Sidlights in th Offic of th
Studnts' Union
征稿启事是报纸、杂志、期刊征集稿件的一种通告。这种启事包括的内容一般有:1)刊物宗旨和读者对象;2)征稿范围,稿件形式和内容要求;3)文稿写作格式等。标题里一般要有 wantd 一词,末尾署名要写杂志编辑者全称。 征稿启事:《英语拾零》征稿-Contributions Wantd