字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The Sport I like Best

The Sport I like Best

高中生作文   2025-03-01

Of all th sports, I lik tabl-tnnis bst. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, bcaus it is a gam that nds strngth and skill. Som popl think that playing tabl-tnnis nds littl strngth, but I don't think so. In playing tabl-tnnis, w should judg th dirction of th ball, and hit it back with grat strngth so that w can win th gam. At th sam tim w nd to pick up th ball which falls to th ground. So aftr on gam you will b vry tird if you hav trid your bst. But, as a sport, I think it mor lik an art. In th gam, you can oftn find th ball moving quickly, and ach of th playrs'movmnts is vry bautiful. So I lik th sport vry much. Though I can't play it vry wll, I still show grat intrst in it. I think playing tabl-tnnis can build our bodis,kp us halthy and train our brains. So I lik it vry much.

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