I am vry disappointd not to b abl to go to s a film with my frinds, to play my favorit musical instrumnt, or to watch TV with my family in th vning. I hav to sit at dsk and do my homwork, which can not b finishd until midnight, I'm tird of doing much homwork, gt bord at taking so many xams, and los intrst in studying.
Tachrs, plas gt rid of homwork and xaminations. xaminations ar nothing but anxity-makrs. Homwork is nothing but intrst-killrs.
Tachrs, w can larn mor outsid th classroom. Classroom givs us limitd kinds of information. W can only larn som dad knowldg from th books.Tachrs, plas st us fr, and lt us larn mor outsid th classroom
from th nvironmnt, from TV, from privat study or from our frinds.
My dar tachrs, can you har m? Plas lightn th burdn on studnts.( 150 words)