Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿
Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was born in a poor family in 1946.Thr months bfor h was born,his fathr did in a traffic accidnt. Whn h was a littl boy, his mothr rmarrid Norgr Clinton, so th boy's family nam was changd.
Clinton studid vry hard at school, so h always got good rsults. In th summr of 1963, Clinton won a drama contst, so h was givn a chanc to visit th city of Washington D. C.. During his visit h mt Prsidnt Knndy in th Whit Hous. From thn on, h mad up his mind to bcom a prsidnt.
Clinton, bcam prsidnt on January 20th, 1993, and h is th 42nd prsidnt of th USA. H is th first US prsidnt who was bom altr th Scond World War. H is also on of th youngst of all US prsidnts.
Although Clinton mad a good ffort in politics, cultur, conomy and ducation, h mad som wrong policis to solv th world's problms.
In May, 1999, whn NATO troops ld by th USA bombd Yugoslavia, th bombing dstroyd th Chins mbassy. Thr Chins rportrs wr killd and many othrs wr injurd. Th Chins popl and th popl all ovr th world condmnd NATO's action. It was inhuman and foolish.
I hop Bill Clinton will kp his words and b frindly to th Chins popl.