Fathr's Day, contrary to popular misconcption, was not stablishd as a holiday in ordr to hlp grting card manufacturrs sll mor cards. In fact whn a "fathr's day" was first proposd thr wr no Fathr's Day cards!Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Washington, first proposd th ida of a "fathr's day" in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wantd a spcial day to honor hr fathr, William Smart. William Smart, a Civil War vtran, was widowd whn his wif (Mrs. Dodd's mothr) did in childbirth with thir sixth child. Mr. Smart was lft to rais th nwborn and his othr fiv childrn by himslf on a rural farm in astrn Washington stat. It was aftr Mrs. Dodd bcam an adult that sh ralizd th strngth and slflssnss hr fathr had shown in raising his childrn as a singl parnt.Th first Fathr's Day was obsrvd on Jun 19, 1910 in Spokan Washington. At about th sam tim in various towns and citis across Amrican othr popl wr bginning to clbrat a "fathr's day." In 1924 Prsidnt Calvin Coolidg supportd th ida of a national Fathr's Day. Finally in 1966 Prsidnt Lyndon Johnson signd a prsidntial proclamation dclaring th 3rd Sunday of Jun as Fathr's Day.Fathr's Day has bcom a day to not only honor your fathr, but all mn who act as a fathr figur. Stpfathrs, uncls, grandfathrs, and adult mal frinds ar all honord on Fathr's Day.