字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 叙事 中秋节英文介绍


叙事   2025-03-10


Mid-autumn DayMid-autumn Day is a Chins fstival. It usually coms in Sptmbr or Octobr .On that day w usually at a big dinnr and mooncaks. It is said "Hou Yi" missd his wif, so h mad mooncaks. It looks lik th moon. Thr ar many kinds of mooncaks. Thy ar small round caks with mat, nuts or somthing swt insid . ating mooncaks has bn our custom. Familis stay outsid in th opn air at a big dinnr and mooncaks. Th most important thing is looking at th moon, On that day, th moon kooks brightr and roundr. W call this moon th full moon. On that day, familis gt togthr, so w call this day gtting –togthr. This is Mid –autumn Day. I lov it vry much. Bcaus on that day I can at mooncaks. And my brothr coms back hom. H works outsid all yar. Only that day and th Spring Fstival. H coms back. So that day I am spcially happy. On that day my family gts togthr

◆第一种Th joyous Mid-Autumn Fstival was clbratd on th fiftnth day of th ighth moon,around th tim of th autumn quinox(秋分). Many rfrrd to it simply as th Fiftnth of th ighth Moon.This day was also considrd as a harvst fstival sinc fruits,vgtabls and grain had bn harvstd by this tim and food was abundant. Food offrings wr placd on an altar st up in th courtyard. Appls,pars,pachs,graps,pomgranats(石榴),mlons,orangs and pomlos(柚子)might b sn. Spcial foods for th fstival includd moon caks,cookd taro(芋头)and watr caltrop(菱角),a typ of watr chstnut rsmbling black buffalo horns. Som popl insistd that cookd taro b includd bcaus at th tim of cration,taro was th first food discovrd at night in th moonlight. Of all ths foods,it could not b omittd from th Mid-Autumn Fstival.Th round moon caks,masuring about thr inchs in diamtr and on and a half inchs in thicknss,rsmbld Wstrn fruitcaks in tast and consistncy. Ths caks wr mad with mlon sds(西瓜子),lotus sds(莲籽),almonds(杏仁),mincd mats,ban past,orang pls and lard(猪油). A goldn yolk(蛋黄)from a saltd duck gg was placd at th cntr of ach cak,and th goldn brown crust was dcoratd with symbols of th fstival. Traditionally,thirtn moon caks wr pild in a pyramid to symboliz th thirtn moons of a complt yar, that is,twlv moons plus on intrcalary(闰月的)moon.Th Mid-Autumn Fstival is a traditional fstivity for both th Han and minority nationalitis. Th custom of worshipping th moon can b tracd back as far as th ancint Xia and Shang Dynastis(2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In th Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.),popl hold crmonis to grt wintr and worship th moon whnvr th Mid-Autumn Fstival sts in. It bcoms vry prvalnt in th Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.)that popl njoy and worship th full moon. In th Southrn Song Dynasty(1127-1279 A.D.),howvr,popl snd round moon caks to thir rlativs as gifts in xprssion of thir bst wishs of family runion. Whn it bcoms dark,thy look up at th full silvr moon or go sightsing on laks to clbrat th fstival. Sinc th Ming(1368-1644 A.D. )and Qing Dynastis(1644-1911A.D.),th custom of Mid-Autumn Fstival clbration bcoms unprcdntd popular. Togthr with th clbration thr appar som spcial customs in diffrnt parts of th country,such as burning incns(熏香),planting Mid-Autumn trs,lighting lantrns on towrs and fir dragon dancs. Howvr,th custom of playing undr th moon is not so popular as it usd to b nowadays,but it is not lss popular to njoy th bright silvr moon. Whnvr th fstival sts in,popl will look up at th full silvr moon,drinking win to clbrat thir happy lif or thinking of thir rlativs and frinds far from hom,and xtnding all of thir bst wishs to thm.Moon CaksThr is this story about th moon-cak. during th Yuan dynasty(A.D. 1280-1368)China was ruld by th Mongolian popl. Ladrs from th prcding Sung dynasty(A.D. 960-1280)wr unhappy at submitting to th forign rul,and st how to coordinat th rbllion without bing discovrd. Th ladrs of th rbllion,knowing that th Moon Fstival was drawing nar,ordrd th making of spcial caks. Backd into ach moon cak was a mssag with th outlin of th attack. On th night of th Moon Fstival,th rbls succssfully attachd and ovrthrw th govrnmnt. Today,moon caks ar atn to commmorat this lgnd and was calld th Moon Cak.For gnrations,moon caks hav bn mad with swt fillings of nuts,mashd rd bans,lotus-sd past or Chins dats(枣子),wrappd in a pastry. Somtims a cookd gg yolk can b found in th middl of th rich tasting dssrt. Popl compar moon caks to th plum pudding and fruit caks which ar srvd in th nglish holiday sasons.

Nowadays,thr ar hundrds varitis of moon caks on sal a month bfor th arrival of Moon Fstival◆第二种Mooncaks ar to Mid-Autumn Fstival what minc pis ar to Christmas. Th sasonal round caks traditionally hav a swt filling of lotus sd past or rd ban past and oftn hav on or mor saltd duck ggs in th cntr to rprsnt th moon. And th moon is what this clbration is all about. Mid-Autumn Fstival falls on th 15th day of th 8th month, it is th tim whn th moon is said to b at its brightst and fullst. This yar th fstival falls on Octobr 1.Thr ar two lgnds which claim to xplain th tradition of ating mooncaks. On Tang Dynasty myth holds that th arth onc had 10 suns circling it. On day all 10 suns appard at onc, scorching th plant with thir hat. It was thanks to a skillful archr namd Hou Yi that th arth was savd. H shot down all but on of th suns. As his rward, th Havnly Qun Mothr gav Hou Yi th lixir of Immortality, but sh warnd him that h must us it wisly. Hou Yi ignord hr advic and, corruptd by fam and fortun, bcam a tyrannical ladr. Chang-r, his bautiful wif, could no longr stand by and watch him abus his powr so sh stol his lixir and fld to th moon to scap his angry wrath. And thus bgan th lgnd of th bautiful woman in th moon, th Moon Fairy.Th scond lgnd has it that during th Yuan Dynasty, an undrground group ld by Zhu Yuan Zang was dtrmind to rid th country of Mongolian dominanc. Th moon cak was cratd to carry a scrt mssag. Whn th cak was opnd and th mssag rad, an uprising was unlashd which succssfully routd th Mongolians. It happnd at th tim of th full moon, which, som say, xplains why mooncaks ar atn at this tim.Mooncaks ar usually stampd with Chins charactrs indicating th nam of th bakry and th typ of filling usd. Som bakris will vn stamp thm with your family nam so that you can giv prsonalisd ons to frinds and family. Thy ar usually prsntd in boxs of four which indicat th four phass of th moon. Traditional mooncaks ar mad with mltd lard, but today vgtabl oil is mor oftn usd in th intrsts of halth.

Mooncaks ar not for th dit-conscious as thy ar loadd with caloris. Th bst way to wash down on of ths sticky caks is with a cup of Chins ta, spcially Jasmin or Chrysanthmum ta, which aids th digstion.中秋节吃月饼就像西方人圣诞节吃百果馅饼一样,是必不可少的。圆圆的月饼中通常包有香甜的莲子馅或是红豆馅,馅的中央还会加上一个金黄的咸鸭蛋黄来代表月亮。而月亮正是中秋节庆祝的主题。每年农历8月15日人们一起庆祝中秋,据说这一天的月亮是一年中最亮最圆的。今年的中秋节恰好是阳历的10月1日(中国的国庆日)。关于吃月饼这个传统的来历有两个传说。一个是唐朝的神话故事,说的是当时地球被10个太阳包围着。有一天10个太阳同时出现在天空中,巨大的热量几乎把地球烤焦了。多亏一位名叫后羿的神箭手射下了9个太阳,地球才被保住。为了奖励后羿,王母娘娘赐给后羿一种长生不老药,但是王母警告他必须正当使用。然而后羿没有理会王母娘娘的警告,他被名利冲昏了头脑,变成了一个暴君。后羿美丽的妻子嫦娥对他的暴行再也不能袖手旁观,于是她偷走了后羿的长生不老药,飞到月亮上逃避后羿的狂怒。从此就有了关于月宫仙子嫦娥,这个月亮上的美丽女人的传说。第二个传说讲的是在元朝,朱元璋领导的起义军计划起义来摆脱蒙古族的统治。他们用月饼来传递密信。掰开月饼就可以找到里面的密信,起义军通过这种方式成功的发动了起义,赶走了元朝的统治者。这场起义发生在八月十五之时,于是中秋节吃月饼的习俗便在民间传开来。

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